Wonders of WordPress: Likes, Comments and Supportive Bloggers

See that little star on the bottom right side corner of posts in your feed? It could be more than a like and it signifies more for some..

That comment prompt at the bottom of each published post? It could just be a casual request but could also be a plea..

Ever since I got back from my long absence from the blogging platform and started from scratch again last year, I would always worry about how some of my posts would be received and if I have readers who would be interested at all. The reason I deleted the old site I made years ago, and I think I have mentioned this in one of those award posts, was because I felt that I was becoming a loner and that I was so caught up in my own little world that I never really interacted with other bloggers that time.

See.. my blog is not limited to one medium or subject as it covers several interests I have. This would be a sort of jack-of-all-trades / master-of-none kind of blog as opposed to master of one. I think of it more as a challenge now and was delighted to find other bloggers with varied interests too.

Where am I going with this?

When I first started posting again, I was experimenting with a lot of things – with the blog name, with the topics, and with almost everything. Then at one point I posted something and to my surprise it was then featured in a post by an already established blogger with a very large audience. That’s when I felt motivated to post better ones because I felt shy that others would read it and it would not be up to par. It never really clicked to me that posting would mean others would read it until that moment. Common sense was probably gone at that time. But it was also then that I know I had some readers and I was receiving very much-needed support from other bloggers.

I didn’t care so much about the amount of views or likes and comments back then but looking back, I was definitely hoping for some interaction.

I “star” you too…

Those likes that you may have given thoughtlessly may be the motivation others would consider to post more often– to be active. For someone like me who needed this form of escape and also serves as a hobby, I was really grateful for those likes at the time when I was just starting. It was those freely given sort-of-thumbs-up that kept me going for some time even though I wondered if they actually read my post or if it was for my efforts. If I would have to choose I would rather have you read my posts than a like but it is welcomed just the same.

Because those served as my motivation at one point, I wanted to reciprocate by showing support to others too if only through my measly likes. But rest assured that I read through posts before I like. I admit there are some awesome posts that would just demand a comment out of me but I was too intimidated to share my thoughts, or I have commented before but never got any kind of response, only then I would settle for a like.

Another advantage of liking posts is having those starred ones under the feed ‘posts you like (my likes)’ where you could read through later. There are times that I would see a topic or a discussion that I would be interested in reading later so I would star it as opposed to a bookmark when I’m using the wordpress app on my phone. If that’s also one reason for you liking my posts then it’s also very much appreciated because it means someone is interested enough to actually save that post!

There’s also something about a like that makes one anxious because you never really know what they think after reading your post, especially if someone you look up to likes your post. “Well, senpai did notice my post but what did he/she think of it?” and “Oh god, there are so many typos and my grammar sucks, why did I not proofread this shit before I posted?!?” and onward to the never-ending made-up scenarios in your head.

Talk to me…?

You know that prompt below published posts that invites you to share your thoughts or reactions? They’re there for a reason. It’s fun and all to ramble and rave about a certain topic by yourself but having someone to talk to about it is twice the fun! I mean isn’t that why we’re blogging in the first place? Because we’re all lonely, weird, and crazy and we wanted to find others who would match with our brand of crazy. I did manage to find several chocoholics, hoarders, fangirls, and escapists here on wordpressland so I think I’m definitely not alone. 

As I was saying… You can never go wrong with a comment. A like may pull up the sides of your mouth into a smile but a comment could induce a shit-eating grin like no other or even a rush of happy tears at best. It really doesn’t matter if it’s a short comment or a long one because taking the time to type out even a few words could mean the world to some. There’s a reason why the “comments on my site” is turned on for push notifications in my settings.

When I hear the notification chime for wordpress.

Being on the receiving end is good but it would be better if reciprocated. It would sometimes be a huge recommendation to me if someone commented on my post because I would then be curious about that person. I would definitely be going over to their blog and if their interests coincide with mine as shown through their posts, then I’ll be sure to hit that like, engage in a conversation or even hit the follow button.

With all this talk about how comments are the best, you would think I’m an expert at commenting. I confess that I sometimes find it hard to comment on a post I really liked because I wanted to say so many things but when I try to formulate the words, I end up not making sense. Or more often than I would like, I simply do not have the time to comment or I’d be too tired to do so. Moreover, laziness would definitely get in the way at times too. But say that I really would like to comment to show my support, or I’m craving for an interaction with that particular blogger, then I would choose something from the post that I could relate to or make a remark about anything at all just so I could say something and engage in a conversation. The occasional short and usual comments like “congratulations” or “great post” would still come out of me but I’m slowly getting better at engaging others with slight banter and meaningful conversations. I’d say practice definitely helps. Not to mention the influence of one particular blogger when she would comment on my posts with witty and short but conversational words.

But there is also something to be said about long and heartfelt comments. The kind that would make your heart swell with appreciation and serve as a huge pat in the back. They would mention several things and gush over your post that you just have to respond with the same length! Then again I’ve seen others who could counter it with a single witty remark and it’s as awesome as a long post in my opinion. Seriously, I have to up my game at commenting.

Talk to me more?

I came to hoard, in my blogger heart, the precious comments each of you dropped in my posts because I really feel grateful that you deemed them worthy enough to exert the extra effort to type out words and grace it with your presence. Sometimes I would feel guilty because I could not always do the same with the post you guys would put out but I would still shamelessly like to say: Thank you!

The wonders of wordpress never ends…

As I have read in one discussion post somewhere — we do not owe each other anything. For most of us, this is a hobby and we are doing it with our own free will. Even the likes and comments are something freely given and should not be construed as just a tool to get follows and likes in return. I’m not saying you should read before you like or even comment on every post you liked because I could not make you do something you don’t agree with. All I’m saying is that whatever you would be willing to give to show support, it could be returned twice as much and maybe in the process meet some really awesome bloggers who are as passionate as you are about something.

The wonders of wordpress — or as I recently like to call it wordpressland in honor of us all being in wonderland and obviously because we’re all mad here — would never cease to amaze you as long as you enjoy blogging. Add that with the different personalities and diverse backgrounds of every blogger you meet with their unique perspective in blogging, this could be a place you never want to leave.

“That computer is my rabbit hole; the internet is my wonderland. I am only allowed to fall into it when it doesn’t matter if I get lost.”

― Francesca ZappiaEliza and Her Monsters

Any thoughts? Reactions? What do likes and comments mean to you? Have you encountered some awesome bloggers who inspired you too? I’d love to hear from you! Feel free to share your thoughts.

(Or just tell me you love coffee and sleep too — even though they should obviously be on opposite sides. I could work with that.)

98 thoughts on “Wonders of WordPress: Likes, Comments and Supportive Bloggers

  1. I love likes and comments. No matter which I get, it acts as a good reminder that i’m doing something right, and I ahve indeed come across some awesome blogs as a result. Far too many to keep uo to date with as much as i’d like, mind you, but it’s left me with some really great reading material.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Definitely a very much welcome reminder! ^^
      I agree. So many great blogs out there I’ve discovered through ‘likes and comments’ but I could not keep up with ALL the posts. I could only like some of them to read for later.

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I never “like” a post without reading it. And I pretty much ALWAYS comment (as you probably know! Lol!) I have had many people in the past follow me and then promptly “like” almost all of my posts. Now, some people would think “well, this is going to make my stats at superstar status today!!” well, I sit there and think “why did I spend all of that time writing this so you could just hit a button and hope I go check out your blog??” it really makes me angry!! As much as I love getting new followers and likes, I’d rather have someone who actually appreciates what I’m spending my time writing than just hitting a button and then promptly forgetting about me…

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Same! I mean at one point all my other notifs disappeared completely overtaken by the like spree. Giving them the benefit of the doubt here, but maybe they have their reasons or they actually read it later!

      Couldn’t agree more. And for what its worth, you’re definitely NOT forgettable. 😀


  3. It seems that you, Irina and I are in synch today! Although our posts are completely different and wrote in a different manner they end up being about the same! 😀
    I sometimes like before I read to be honest, only because as you say, it is a way to make others feel encouraged and sometimes time is dire and there is only 24 hours in a day. To be honest I’m trying to find a balance. At the moment I gave up on trying to read everything! I started scheduling an half an hour for reading posts and will pick the ones who seem more interesting. Although not able to reach so many people, this way I have to time to read fully the posts and be able to comment when I feel that I have something to add : I’m completely with you Chizu-bro! I’ve received comments that made my day, that made me to want to push forward and not just give up and well… I want to do the same to others! So I hope we can both improve together when it comes to commenting! ^^ Ah and of course, if you still didn’t get it from those words… GREAT POST! 😀

    Liked by 3 people

    1. But there are some bloggers who you just can’t help but LIKE first THEN read because you know it’ll be an awesome post anyway LOL
      It’s really hard for me sometimes to comment because I’ve run out of adjectives to use lol but I still try nonetheless because we know how even the short and sweet comments do help boost the confidence!

      Well, there’s a reason we both tagged each other for that growing self blogger award 😉 I’m in. And THANK YOU! ❤

      Liked by 3 people

  4. I am over the roof appreciative! My husband and I have celebrated each day of likes,follows,views,reblogs, and those comments! I used to write them down and sent them to him in prison but it quickly became too many to write! Our little blog is three and half months old and growing like a weed! Hearing someone say my writing touched them to tears has got to be the greatest feeling! Not that I want to see people cry, but to be touched emotionally by my feeble words, well, I’m touched emotionally just thinking about it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s awesome! I think the stats speak for themselves that it is very much well deserved, and maybe it’s also because you enjoy blogging and sharing your feelings through your words that made it so much more sincere 🙂
      Thank you for sharing!


  5. I loved this post, I see my self so much in the ‘old you’ that you described: being intimidated by the community, not really realizing that there IS one and that you’re not blogging in a vacuum, being too shy to comment or interact with other bloggers, even at the expense of a potential friendship… And yet, a comment or even a like can mean so much: maybe you were not sure whether your post was good enough until the last second, but suddenly a senpai likes it and your self esteem does a little happy dance. Also, I can’t really talk for other communities here on wordpress, but the anibloggers have been nothing but super nice since the day I joined: you’re all so inspiring and caring, you promote and help each other out all the time and it’s just so nice to hear your stories and read your posts (yes, I ‘star’ them too to remind myself to read them later). Even if I’m still very shy, I hope I can become part of this community too, one step, one like at a time, but in the meantime thank you for sharing this post with us ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That old me is still very much here but I’m working on her self esteem bit by bit and that’s also thanks to the amazing blogging community that has been so supportive! The animanga blogging community is really very welcoming! I have yet to post a proper anime review and that has been a source of that bit of inferiority at first. But because no one made me feel so out of place or anything of the sort, I would only get encouraged to read more, watch more so that I could share my thoughts with them too!
      Thank you for sharing your thoughts ❤ Oh and I still very much like your name, I was reminded since you mentioned "star" 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s so nice when a community encourages you that way, a welcoming environment is the best place to nurture ideas and passions ^w^ Working on self esteem can be a hassle, but from that very little I know I think you’re doing great, every small step counts ❤
        (I can't believe you remembered that ahah, glad you still like it)

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  6. I do love sleep!

    I think sometimes it is hard to comment since I never saw that anime or movie or read the book so I’m not sure of what to say. Then there are times where I only scan because I’m in the middle of an anime or manga that they are writing about and I don’t want to know the end yet! Or again sometimes I read and I’m just laying around on my bed and I liked what they wrote but I’m a bit sleepy so I don’t comment. I feel bad but like you said I like to think of likes as a little thumbs up and encouragement and an agreement to what they wrote about.

    I try to comment because I don’t get to talk about otome games, anime, or manga in my life and this is the one place where people actually know what they are. I think my mom still thinks that they are just cartoons and I guess she has her own point.

    It makes me happy to find something new to watch too and then for me less time is wasted if something got a good review by someone I have come to trust on here.

    I’ve really enjoyed my time on here at wordpress and it is fun to talk about things that I never get to talk about! I look forward to many posts from you!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. That too. Not knowing whether to read it or not because you could be spoiled but it’s also a recommendation of sorts and something to add to your lists. And I could definitely agree about ‘trusting’ someone because I would read their posts no matter if I have already watched / read it or not.

      But I really do think that whether it’s a comment or a like, it’s the intention behind that show of support that really matters so we shouldn’t really feel bad about it 🙂

      Thank for sharing your thoughts on this ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Ahh Chizue, it always amazes me that you would doubt your appeal since it seems like such a given from this end.
    I agree comments rock, even though I’m a notoriously bad commenter. I’m very awkward with comments because to me they’re an extension of the post and I really want to be able to add something interesting if I’m going to leave a mark on someone else’s blog. Unlike now…Also a long time ago I made a joke in the comment section of a blog I hag just discovered and it did not go well…..
    What Im saying is you’re awesome and so are your posts. This one included.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Avery what are you taking about, you’re definitely one of those I idolize when it comes to commenting!
      I could always expect such a strong show of support from you and I’m very grateful for that. ‘When in doubt, ask Irina’ – should probably be my go to phrase. Or ‘what would Irina say’ 😀

      Thank you ❤

      Liked by 2 people

  8. I’m definitely that person that dies inside whenever is mentioned by people they admire :’) When I got that mention from you a lil while back I immediately started dying inside a lil (a lot, and I also yelled a lot- possibly too much? oops).

    On a more serious note, I do know what you mean. Likes can feel impersonal, and sort of detached? It’s easy to star/like a post when you’re scrolling through your reader (plus, just saying, if I have 5 views and 6 likes, it’s clear what happened…). But comments, oh lord. They’re so… personal, and they almost feel like a gift.

    Great discussion post! I completely agree ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can totally relate to that! It started at feature posts then award tags and more, but it never stops being so heartwarming and heartmelting (I’m making up words here).. Aww it was really my pleasure mentioning you!

      Yeah, and you know views don’t always mean they read it. Though we should give those likes the benefit of the doubt 😀 Maybe they do mean well.

      Thank you! It’s always a pleasure seeing a comment from you.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. This was a very think worthy post. I never like unless I haven’t read the post first. To me the star represents me showing you that I appreciate and like your hard work. Also, I sort of had no idea about that smart little feature of posts you like until now that you mentioned it. 😳🙈 Anyway, I am bad at comment on others posts because I want to say so much and my comments becomes so long and I become insecure about what I am rambling about and it always ends with me deleting the comment and I just like the post instead. Stupid really. Also, there have been times when I have spent time on commenting and had had no reaction at all and it is discouraging. I mean, one can at least give a like to acknowledge that you have seen the comment. I usually do that if I don’t have anything to add to my commenters comment. Finally; yes I love when people comments. It’s interesting to hear what people think about the shit you rant and ramble about. 😎

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I am definitely the same about the comment thing! Not to mention if you’re commenting in a post by someone you’re not very familiar with so you’re really not sure how to approach them 😀
      Even if it’s just a ‘great post’, it feels like you won something. Comments really are such gems but those likes do have their appeal too! Hope you can make good use of that feature! There’s also the same for “conversations” now I think…but it doesn’t appear on the app when using my phone, only when I’m reading in my laptop.

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh, conversations too? I need to check that out. So much I don’t know and still I have been here for 12 years now. Thank you for the information. 😀

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          1. Well, I registered my first blog 12 years ago. I have had several since then. Not sure what that says about me. They are all about very different things. 😎 This is the only one I write on now.

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  10. It feels great to get likes and comments. I’m sure everyone can agree with that. It’s amazing when people actually bother to read any of my content on my blogs. I also do my best to check out others and cross-promote whenever I can. I’m not perfect since I do have a real life with work, my creative endeavors, etc, but I will make some time whenever I can.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Responsibilities could definitely get in the way sometimes. Same here. I’ve barely interacted these days because I have been busy and I took this chance to post something about ‘interacting’ to spur me into action 😀

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  11. I wish I had more time to comment. I find it odd that people can like a post without opening it to read it and I kind of wish that feature was fixed so that when someone likes a post you know they at least had more than the title to go on whether they read it or not is another story.
    If I had more time, I would write far more comments on posts rather than simply leaving a like. I love discussions and sharing ideas and opinions. Unfortunately there are too many interesting posts and commenting on all of them would be a little bit crazy as there would never be any time left in the day.
    Still, a like or a comment is always appreciated as sometimes when you schedule a post or hit publish you wonder if you just sent a whole bunch of words into a void and knowing that you aren’t alone out there is sometimes a very comforting thing.


    1. Time is definitely the biggest obstacle. It takes a lot of time to read through posts and sometimes by the time I finished reading I’m too tired to comment. That’s why I’m so grateful for the like button as it has several advantages for me 🙂 But I agree that that feature could definitely be improved.

      You were always such a supportive and steady presence in the blogging community not only with the consistent posting that also motivates others but also with your likes, and of course your insightful comments, but most especially your feature sharing other bloggers posts 😀 Thanks Karandi!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks. I’d love to be more active online but life happens and I occasionally need to leave my desk and go outside (okay, that happens every day for work and other necessities).

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  12. First of all wow! I think your post about conversations and likes and how we interact with each other is beautifully explained! I can agree with a lot of your thoughts and I see that many other people do to 🙂 So, I just want to say thank you for making this post because to me it translates many feelings of very different bloggers who all enjoy what they are doing here! I kind of already forgot where I was going with my thoughts but either way you’re doing a great job and keep interacting 😉 Oh, personally I love reactions and likes… I just love the different opinions about people and what they have to say about what I write ^^

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    1. The beauty of a discussion post is many people would be able to relate and I’m glad I decided to write this one too because it certainly encouraged interaction 😄
      Thank YOU for sharing your thoughts! I’m the same most of the time getting lost in my words too especially in my posts. I’m actually worried if I made sense in this one LOL. Good thing we understand each other!

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      1. Haha you don’t have to worry about that. Your post made sense! 🙂 Always nice to see people sturggling with the same thing 😀

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  13. I don’t know about you, but I’m definitely in my head a lot of the times as to the content I push out. In that sense, I can unequivocally agree with so many sentiments in this post!

    Interacting is the big thing that I’m trying to get better at doing (re: since I was also taking an extensed hiatus for moooonths) since, when I take a step back, a lot of the opportunities that I’ve been privileged to be part of all stemmed from dropping a like, a comment, and just connecting with others with a sense of goodwill (e.g. meeting international bloggers in person, being involved in things bigger than just my tiny little space online).

    But to be fair, sometimes I don’t have the time to blog hop or I’ve got nothing to add…so I drop a like as if to say “hey, I’ve read this!”

    Anyways, thanks for sharing your sincere thoughts!



    1. Ohh. Nice! I still haven’t had the pleasure of meeting others in person. I’m a little shy so I would be sticking to my corner of the internet first building up courage 🙂

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this!

      Liked by 1 person

  14. I definitely feel the same as you when it comes to just leaving a star when my previous comments went by ignored LOL. I’m reading this in the morning before class and I wish I had more time to read every single word because this all feels so heartfelt. I’m really glad I commented on your blog that one day, and ended up having a conversation about Sasuke and Sai.

    I feel like comments make us interact with one another on a different level, like it’s not just an acknowledgement but also because we want to talk to one another, which I really like! So it’s a bummer when people don’t reply to my comments because “Oh… this person doesn’t want to talk to me :(”

    P/S: I love coffee and sleep too! I have tested out all the coffee places on campus (and Australians have a lot of coffee places) and have ranked them from “the best” to “this is for milk drinkers”. If you ever come over to UNSW, let me know so I can give you my list!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No worries you could always come back to read it. I already appreciate you dropping by before class.

      It’s an endearing trait is what it is. I also feel more comfortable ‘liking’ a post when I have already had a previous convo with that blogger because they know I wouldn’t just like it for the sake of liking. It’s like saying – hey I’m someone you sort of know, I talked to you before. I care about this topic! I read this and I like it 😊
      But of course a comment would still be awesome though time would not allow us to comment in ALL of those posts in our feed even if we know all of them.

      Ohh ~ I definitely will if I one day find myself in Australia. Coffee haven here I come!

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  15. Y’know, I gotta say, I had a blog where I never really interacted with other people, and then when people started following/liking/sharing I got nervous and deleted it, too…heh. It’s kinda nice to know that’s something other folks have done, too. I have felt a lot more encouraged lately thanks to likes and comments though – makes me feel like I have things worth saying, yknow what I mean??

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I never really minded the like and follows then but I never talked to any of them (I think I was shy) so I became a sort of a loner which was not my intention at all. So I started over.

      I definitely know how that feels. It’s also motivation to continue and not make another delete site move haha

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      1. I guess I wasn’t confident so I thought that since people could actually see my posts they would like, think they sucked I guess? I don’t know haha but the times have changed so now it just gets me excited 🙂

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  16. Wow, now that’s a name I haven’t seen in quite a while – Franceca Zappia. I used to bounce around blogging platforms and loitered on blogger. Where she and her blogging friends were on. I even used to tweet to her too. That was like years ago. Really nice to see her doing well, and ultimately fulfilling her dream on becoming an author.

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  17. What you said about your struggles with commenting, I have the same thing! >.< Im trying to get better at it but I doubt myself a lot, then I just take a deep breath and YOLO \o/ "post comment" and hope I didn't make many typos or said something incoherent. Sometimes I do feel very verbal and write almost an entire post but then realize and delete everything but a couple of words. I have an interesting follower that I get the announcement that she is following, this happens several times in a month, so I dunno if she can't make her mind and unfollows and follows me back or if she has many internet doppelgangers hahaha!! I like likes but I love comments more 🙂 it's where the party's at \o/

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can relate to that too! It’s also reassuring if you’re commenting in a post by someone you’re already familiar with. But for my new friends, that’s when I hesitate a bit to ramble on so I’ll just settle for a short one or maybe a like if I change my mind.
      Ohh.. You never know maybe that’s her way to get you to notice her! 😄

      Yeah and we do love a good party!!


  18. As you and others have mentioned, sometimes it’s hard to comment if you haven’t seen something or, even more significantly, want to see it but are avoiding spoilers for now.
    I actually removed the Likes feature because it wasn’t too important to me, but it seemed important to be some people. At least in my site, I’ve noticed there doesn’t seem to be a strong correlation between likes and views.

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    1. There are a few friends who would still comment even though they haven’t seen or read something and they would say that they mostly skimmed through the post or say how excited they are for the book or show. I learned a bit from them and I do that too sometimes.

      I think that’s also one way to really see how many actually read through your post and not just a thoughtless like. Though a view may not always mean a full read it’s still a good gauge

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

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  19. I like your post. You are very honest. I started mu blog because I always wanted to start one. I finally got the courage to actually do it, and I’m glad that I did. It makes me happy to see other people on this site with the same interest too.

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    1. Thank you! I learned that the only way you get others to share too is if you share something of yourself first 🙂

      That’s very good to know! Hope you continue to blog and also enjoy the experience.

      Tip: the comment section is also the place where you can find new friends and other awesome bloggers!!

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  20. I love coffee and sleep, too! 😀 and this is a nicely written post! Indeed, it’s a great feeling to know that there are people supporting you. And I’ve never thought of “star”-ing something to read for later, but that’s a good idea. Though I really prefer reading then actually doing that afterward, if I liked or could relate to the post.

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    1. I’ve been doing that quite recently because of how busy I’ve been but my usual is reading through before liking

      I see I have found another coffee-holic and a member of the drowsy 💤 club.. 😄
      Thanks for sharing!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I decided that that’s what I’m gonna do, too, once I get too busy in life. Hahaha! Thanks for the idea!

        It’s all thanks to my housemates that I found my love for coffee (but I’m not forsaking my chocolate drinks). But sleeeep is always looooved. 😆

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    1. Right?? It’s the feeling before jumping off somewhere and you’re a bit scared of heights (totally me) haha

      Indeed! Also, seeing others in the comment section also gives me that push to share too because if other chocoholics and friends are there, I would definitely join that party 😊

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  21. Chizu you are so on point! Every time I get a like or a comment I can’t help but smile and feel motivated. Its usually no more than 4 likes or comment but every little things makes it worthwhile. Also yes to sleeping (just woke up) and yes to coffee (making one now before heading to work).

    Have a great day! 😊🤗

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There are also moments that likes or comments would make my day a little better if I’m having a bad start. I can’t count how many times I’ve caught myself smiling like a fool at my phone when I see heartfelt comments 😊

      Same here. Just woke up and the operation search and seize coffee is now underway LOL

      Thank you! You too.

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  22. Comments are great because it gives you feedback on what has been written. I appreciate likes too, but like you say there’s no way of knowing if the person who hit the button actually read the post.

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  23. Awww made me so happy reading this post XD because liking and commenting on people’s post is where it got me to where I am now. I was never shy to put myself out there as I really wanted this whole blog thing to work out. I admit I like posts before reading them sometimes as I follow so many blogs. I fear it will get lost and ill miss out on reading. I come back to it later to comment. It’s been such a short time since I started following your blog but already see you’ve grown a lot my dear so good for you XD

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    1. So many posts I’ve seen with blogging advice really emphasized interactions and I completely agree! I’m the same – about following many fantastic blogs that I just have to save posts to read for later.

      Thank you so much! It’s also thanks to such welcoming community and the supportive bloggers lurking here in wordpress 😊

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  24. Oh my, it feels as if all the bloggers I’ve been following all decided to touch on the same subject at the same time~
    Either way, this was a great post. As someone who completely and utterly fails at interactions in terms of blogging, you can see how bad I am at getting responses in return…
    There’s only tears where this comes from, but let’s move past that.
    On the topic of inspirations, I should say that bloggers such as yourself, and the whole community in general is the one thing that keeps me going. I love you all.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know! Irina, Arthifis and I definitely did not plan this by the way 😂
      Hope we can both be better at this interaction and commenting thing ^^

      Thank you so much. Lots of love from me too!

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  25. Chi-san, you three seem to have made me think way more than I would have on a usual day XD
    There really isn’t anything to disagree in a post like this and nothing to add as well, bent tcause you talked about it so well.
    Comments are really something that I love, because of all the reasons you mentioned.
    Long comments are fun to write and an absolute treat to read!

    Likes on the other hand aren’t as satisfying as comments to me, but that’s just me.
    You can be sure to catch great things in comments. It’s one thing I always do- read comments on posts I read. I meet new people (like you!) and get great jokes and insights~

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you. By three, did you mean Irina and Arthifis and me? 🙂 Glad to hear that! We totally did not plan this by the way…or maybe we should’ve LOL
      That’s also one thing I love about the comments section. It’s where you find like-minded people with the same interest as you. Was it over at kwenz blog where we found each other? 😊

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  26. I’ve been lacking pretty heavily in being an active, supportive blogger, but I’m trying to change that. I try to comment on everything I read, and I definitely read to the end before I hit the like.

    I’ve been a blogger on WordPress for almost 2 years, yet I still haven’t really gotten the hang of it. I look at my stats every day, I work diligently at writing more posts, but I hardly ever scroll through my reader and give other bloggers’ posts a read. It’s made me feel awful seeing so much support given to me, but I don’t give it back.

    I’ve been changing that in this past month. Setting aside time to go through and read everything I can, give the feedback I can, and give as much support as I can.

    This post really helped me reevaluate my presence here, and I’m hoping to fully enter this wordpressland you speak of very soon. 😄

    Liked by 2 people

    1. We can only try. It’s unbelievably tiring at times to read through all posts and comment on them all. That’s why I’m at least grateful for the like feature because it can also be a form of support if well-intentioned.

      I’m not anywhere near your diligence in writing and posting but I’ve come this far because I have been interacting more than actually writing posts. I’m still in awe of the blogging community especially the animanga one for being so welcoming!

      Thank you! It’s really great to hear that this post helped in some way.
      What are you talking about? You’re already in wordpressland! 😆

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  27. Aww Sawako!!! I love her so much T_T I love comments and favorites too. It makes me happy when I get to interact with fellow fangirls 🙂 I just went back to blogging as well and I’m overly excited to read more posts. I comment quite a lot too lol

    Liked by 2 people

    1. She’s just adorable isn’t she? ❤
      A fellow fangirl yay! I'd love to read more posts too and comment in most of them but real life sometimes get in the way but I do try my best when I can ^^

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  28. I love coffee and sleep, and for me their not the opposite! I can drink a coffee, be as happy as a little girl with a candy, and then go to bed and sleep right away. The little happiness that makes your day (or evening) a really good one!
    I loved your post and I think I agree with all you have written there. It was heartwarming and I loved to see most of my thoughts written out so well! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. For all my love of coffee I’m still not immune to its effects so yep — no sleep for a while for me when I happen to indulge. 😀 Glad to know you can enjoy the best of both worlds: coffee AND sleep!

      Thank you very much ^^

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  29. Dude, why do I feel like you are my twin? The only difference is you are more open with your feelings and I’m more open with the opinion-giving on posts (I think we both could do with the other’s courage). And genuine thanks for talking about an important topic, interaction and engagement is always more important.
    And great idea with the saving posts *hint WordPress, do some Facebook magic.*

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    1. Aww that’s very nice of you and I wouldn’t disagree with that.
      I think that’s also one of the perks of interactions, learning from each other! Gimme some of that courage, here’s mine. A fair trade yeah? 😀
      Wordpress has its moments but then it’s also a bit behind on some things. Thank you for sharing your thoughts ^^

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  30. I like both likes and comments. I won’t like a post without reading it first and usually I save my comments for when I have something meaningful to add to the conversation! So I mostly comment on books I have already read and want to engage in conversation in. You’re right, it definitely feels good to be reciprocated and it is a motivator! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Same here with commenting on the books I already read because a discussion is so much more fun when you’re already in the know! But you gotta admit it’s also exciting to speculate with others.. Any which way a comment is really an amazing motivator in blog posts ^_^ Thank you for your thoughts ❤

      Liked by 2 people

  31. uff okay, so I had to scroll like 1000 times to be able to comment on this haha Now, that I am here! I love the gifs! I remember that anime! what was its name??? She was scary but only because people didn’t talk to her right? XD

    I agree, a like is nice but a comment is such a good way to show support and that you read what we wrote. I consider that a well intended comment is really good and lovely! and when you talk about yourself on that comment based on what I wrote is even great! I we can totally have a conversation there! It is good to have you back! Hopefully I will be able to interact more with you in this jungle of posts and tweets! XD

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh no I totally missed this comment and I have been away for so long! Thanks for this and btw the anime is Kimi ni Todoke ^^

      Really appreciate this form of support for this particular post and sorry you had to scroll forever :’D

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