Monday Mystery Unveiled!

And maybe I made a mistake yesterday, but yesterday’s me is still me. Today, I am who I am with all of my faults and my mistakes. Tomorrow, I might be a tiny bit wiser, and that’ll be me too. 

RM, Leader of BTS

First off, I’d like to thank the awesome Chris Joynson, aka the Infallible Fish who is a writer, blogger and lover of animation over at Never Argue With a Fish for tagging me for this one. It was also his birthday recently so go wish him a happy birthday and show support over at his blog!

So we proceed to…

Rules, Rules, Rules

  • Display the award logo on your blog.
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Mention Okoto Enigma, the creator of the award.
  • Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.
  • Answer 5 questions from the nominee.
  • Nominate 10 – 20 bloggers.
  • Notify your nominees by leaving a comment on their blog.
  • Ask your nominees 5 questions of your choice, including 1 weird or funny question.
  • Share the link to your best post.

Three Things About Me:

  • After years of being sort of anonymous in the blogiverse I’ve decided to share my face. Well… not here. If you wanna see it go follow my personal instagram account @ellegavi (I might regret this later)
  • I’m still a coffee addict and have an ever messed up body clock. I’m trying green tea too by the way.
  • I keep trying to get my friends and cousins to join the wordpress/blogging community to no avail. The irony is that I was not active myself when I kept pestering them.

The Infallible Fish’s Questions:

1. You’re given a blank check by a Hollywood executive to make a movie adaptation of whatever you want, as long as it’s never been adapted before (this Hollywood Exec is clearly some sort of alien in disguise, but never mind that). What are you adapting and why?

This is actually quite a hard question. I was stumped. So I asked my brother and I actually agree with him. We were thinking of a live action adaptation of the movie Treasure Planet. Why? WHY? I mean why not? That movie was awesome, the visuals were stunning and the soundtrack is also amazing. I’d like to try to revive the underrated glory of this film.

2. The world’s greatest chefs from across time and space have come together to make you a meal, what’s on the menu?

The recipe to happiness. Delicious food that doesn’t make you gain any weight.

3. A quiet corner where you won’t ever be disturbed, or a roaring party with all your best friends. You can only have one, which will it be? Well….

4. Do you blame it on the sunshine? The moonlight? The good times? Or the boogie?

It’s the coffee. Always the coffee. Blame the caffeine for everything, I say.

5. How are you today?

To be asked by this, I admit I am touched. So many things are happening simultaneously around us that we sometimes forget to even ask this simple question. Simple it might be but it’s a powerful question just the same. — I am doing fine actually. There are always moments of anxiety here and there but learning to overcome them has been a process. My healthy habits on the other hand is a work in progress


reikuhaku | Auri | LitaKino | Rose | Spooky Redhead | Megan Marie | ThatRandomEditor | nesha | Annie | Yon Nyan (Biblionyan) | The BookWorm Drinketh | Jiraiyan | emikothewriter | Jon Spencer | TwoHappyCats | Yahari Bento | Mallow | A Winter’s Reverie | living in libros | Susy’s Cozy World | alsmangablog | Shoujo | Jack Scheibelein | tanteikid94


  1. What’s the most useless talent you have? 
  2. What anime or movie or series would you turn into a novel to lure the bookworms in?
  3. What movie, anime, drama or series can you watch over and over without ever getting tired of? (Pick one or share one each) – This is really just me asking for recommendations.
  4. What mythical creature do you wish actually existed? So it can be your pet, a spirit animal, or you in your next life.
  5. What made you follow this blog Of Midnight Ravings? (If you’re not following my blog – why not? or just disregard this one)


For my best posts, it’s the one where I got the most interactions with the blogging community. It’s the discussion post I wrote Wonders of WordPress: Likes, Comments and Supportive Bloggers. Also, being a bookworm, I am quite attached to this post too: Why I Love To Read? Because Books Got Me Covered!

If you have been tagged and you’ve done this before but would like to do it again then just go for it! If you don’t want to do it again it’s also okay. If you’re not tagged and you’re reading this, feel free to do this one too! Just link back to this post so I will see your answers too.

Thanks for reading!

Buy Me a Coffee at

33 thoughts on “Monday Mystery Unveiled!

  1. Congrats on the award! Those were some good answers. Despite not being a Disney fan, I think a Treasure Planet live action remake could be interesting. That movie would certainly make more sense as a live action remake compared to certain other Disney movies that had no humans in it while also stealing characters from a 60s anime series as well as a song or doing cultural appropriation (**cough** The Lion King **cough**). I remember watching Treasure Planet a long time ago and I think it could work even though there’s too many remakes in general.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. You’re certainly welcome.

        Thanks! I’m glad you agree. With the right director, a live action Treasure Planet could work. I know, right? Hahaha! Hollywood owes us some checks for that idea. I mean, it looks like Disney is going to remake/rehash the animated canon anyway. Hahaha! XD

        Liked by 1 person

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