3 Days, 3 Quotes: The Wraith’s Arrow

One word for this: Loophole.

I was talking about this when I was doing this tag the first time around and I remember saying in the day three post: if somebody tagged me again, I would have no choice but to do it again… right? 

I was tagged again by Richa @ iScriblr and I am absolutely delighted. Thank you so much! Funny how we’ve managed to come full circle because she was tagged by Nina @ The Cozy Pages whom I tagged in day two.  But who am I to complain if it means sharing more quotes with my dear readers. Thus, the existence of this short and sweet posts once again.

Here’s my quote:

“The heart is an arrow, it demands aim to land true.”

— Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows

Inej art by merwild

Not only it could refer to one’s romantic desires but also to life in general. Inej who is a beloved character from Six of Crows duology teaches us not just to aimlessly plow through life but to have a clear goal in mind. No wonder I love this girl. The wraith in the shadows who still manages to find hope despite the darkness that surrounds her, through her Suli words and teachings passed down to her and now passed on to us. She is truly one of my favorite book characters.


• Thank the person who nominated you.
• Post a quote for 3 consecutive days (1 quote for each day, can be a super short post).
• Nominate three new bloggers each day.

Hi friends! Care to do this? I tag: Andie, Priyasha, Nicole

21 thoughts on “3 Days, 3 Quotes: The Wraith’s Arrow

  1. Thanks for the tag! Oh my, I need to get on top of my game, tags are starting to pile up! This is such a lovely tag, I honestly can’t wait to do it!
    Holy moly, I love Inej so damn much… And this quote is such a fitting one, I love it so much ❤
    Great post! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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